Deploying a Simple MERN App on AWS EC2


3 min read


Deploying a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) application on AWS EC2 is a great way to understand cloud deployment. This guide walks you through the step-by-step process of deploying a basic MERN app on AWS EC2.


  • Basic understanding of MERN stack

  • AWS account

  • GitHub account

  • MongoDB Atlas account

  • SSH client (such as Terminal or PuTTY)

Steps to Deploy MERN App on AWS EC2

1. Create a Simple MERN App

  • Develop a React frontend with basic features (e.g., add and view products).

  • Set up a Node.js and Express backend to handle API requests.

  • Use MongoDB Atlas as the database.

  • Ensure the app works locally before deployment.

2. Push Code to GitHub

  • Initialize a Git repository in your project folder.

  • Commit and push your code to a GitHub repository.

3. Set Up AWS EC2 Instance

  • Log in to your AWS account.

  • Launch a new EC2 instance (Ubuntu 22.04 recommended).

  • Choose an appropriate instance type (e.g., t2.micro for free tier users).

  • Configure security groups to allow inbound HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH connections.

  • Download the .pem key file to securely access the instance.

4. Connect to the EC2 Instance

  • Open the terminal and connect using SSH:

      ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-ip-address
  • Update system packages:

      sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

5. Install Node.js and Git

  • Install Node.js and npm:

      curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
      sudo apt install -y nodejs
  • Verify installation:

      node -v
      npm -v
  • Install Git:

      sudo apt install git -y

6. Clone GitHub Repository

  • Clone your project repository:

      git clone
  • Navigate to the project folder:

      cd your-repo

7. Install Dependencies and Configure Environment

  • Install backend dependencies:

      cd backend
      npm install
  • Install frontend dependencies:

      cd frontend
      npm install
  • Update the backend .env file with MongoDB Atlas connection string and other environment variables.

8. Run the Application

  • Start the backend:

      cd backend
      node server.js
  • Start the frontend:

      cd frontend
      npm start

9. Access the Application

10. Keep the App Running in the Background

Use PM2 to keep the app running even after the terminal session is closed.

npm install -g pm2
pm2 start backend/server.js
pm2 start npm --name "frontend" -- start --prefix frontend
pm2 save


Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ‰ You have successfully deployed a simple MERN application on AWS EC2. This process helps you understand cloud deployment and prepares you for larger-scale applications.
